Tuesday 10 September 2013

Intensive Driving Course in Grantham Price Comparison

I was chatting to a prospective customer the other day who was comparing prices of driving schools that offer Intensive Driving Courses in Grantham.

The conversation got a little lost, went a bit wayward, and on reflection, I can't help but feel the problem that we were both struggling to come to terms with was that we were not comparing 'like with like'.

The whole ethos of my approach to learning to drive is that there simply is no substitute for driving experience.  "You drive more, to experience more, to learn more" is embedded in every minute of my Intensive Driving Course sessions.  How much you agree with that philosophy is your personal choice of course, and the problem comes when you start comparing it with other driver training providers who think differently.

Others will have their own take on things; in the conversation the other day DVD systems were mentioned, workbooks, and I've heard of classroom simulations before now.  But, the fact of the matter is that you could read, watch videos, do simulations and all the rest of it, at some point, you need to APPLY knowledge and start developing driving skills.

The act of driving can be a sensory overload, it is hard to imagine that until you have experienced it (you ask anyone how they felt on their first occasion of parallel skiing down a mountain, watch their eyes light up as they speak).  Reading books and watching dvd's does not come close to the feeling you will experience of co-ordinating your hands, feet and eyes as you drive.

And so, to summarise, the hours I quote in my driving courses that you pay for are "driving hours", that is the time you spend behind the wheel driving.  Often driving sessions on my Intensive Driving Courses cross county boundaries, 80-90 miles of driving is not unusual.  Let me stress this is not at the expense of quality, there is no reinforcing bad habits going on here.  You only need to view my #gooddrivinghabits series on my YouTube channel and Twitter feed to see that the quality is in the detail.

This blog has tried to explain how to make meaningful price comparisons between Intensive Driving Courses in Grantham.  If it has been useful, please "share" the knowledge!


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