Monday 1 June 2020

Are you willing to help yourself?

Driving instructors are understandably nervous.  There are bills to pay, outstanding pupils wanting tests and risks associated with the workplace.   Not having newly qualified drivers on the roads creates big headaches for businesses, individuals and the government.  It is in everyone's interests for the driving training industry to get started again.

Why don't you use this pause in business to review how happy you are with your work?  Consider how much better it would be, for example, if you didn't have cancellations.  Or you only paid a franchise fee when you are actually working.  How about if you receive your payment for your services 21 days in advance.  What if you had complete control of when you work so that you can continue some of the more pleasurable activities that you have appreciated over this lockdown.  How much covid safe would it be if you could earn just as much per week working with one pupil than you did before lockdown working with over 20?  Would that change alone that reduces the possibility of infection not be worth embracing?

Now is precisely the time to change.  

You can find out how the BIG TOM franchise operates in this quiet time.  You are turning what lots of instructors are considering a negative, into a very big positive and you are creating that change in a time where you lose no earnings in the transition period.  

It is time to review the way that we all work.  Everyone needs to start behaving more smartly, reducing risk, increasing efficiency and maximising time.  It's time to revolutionise the way you have thought about providing driving training and be willing to appreciate the incredible opportunity that is available for you to grasp.

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