Wednesday 12 December 2018

Me me me

When you go and buy a morning cup of tea at the Drive-Thru, it is the paying window that comes first. Buy a sofa or a carpet - sure, pay for it first though. Want your accounts doing, no worries, here is the bill first.  You'd like Sky Movies, or a smartphone or to get through your Christmas shopping list on Amazon - you got it, get your wallet out first sunshine.  Bear these words in mind when you run your own driving school.  As the owner of a business you do have the right to set "the rules of engagement";  a military phrase which defines parameters which are importantly unacceptable.  

These businesses that have been thriving all through our UK economic downturn, and still continue to thrive do so as they set very clear expectations upon the behaviours of their customers.  Look at budget airlines for example, very clear on what customers can and cannot do.  And yet retailers like John Lewis who are suffering from 99% profit losses are having to seriously re-think their business model. 

Scotty Wiseman said two generations ago "Have I told you lately, that I love you".  When you come out the other side of a thoroughly miserable, bloody war, it will be the respect and love between people that motivates and inspires. But in our times, one could quite justifiably re-jig that to "Have I told you lately, that I love me", because what social media is fast being referred to is "show off media".  The writing was on the wall many years ago when posters pinged up an image of them taking a 'selfie' using a full-length mirror.  So let me get this right then.... you've taken a photo of yourself, taking a photo of yourself.  Me me me! It's all about me!  Unsurprisingly, this culture of "meness" has created a generation of self-obsessed young adults who want the very best for them, immediately.  And this all applies regarding the taking of driving lessons with a driving instructor and obtaining a full driving licence.

When you have educational institutions repeatedly planting seeds of "meness" thoughts into young minds, then this is what happens.  Students are no longer expected to absorb knowledge but instead, know how to retrieve knowledge instantly.  You don't need to calculate in your head a subtraction formula to know how many days until Christmas.  No, you say "Alexa, how many sleeps until Christmas?", she will think, leaving you time to then hear a few words from Santa (give it a go if you don't believe me).

From a business point of view, this is only important if you value your time.  Pupils will switch you on and off at the drop of a hat.  Your diary will get filled and cancelled at will.  Cancellations have consequences to your private life, your family commitments, your revenue, and your general sense of well-being.  For driving instructors, it is in your interests to know how to manage this situation.
Call BIG TOM and let us help you to help yourself.

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