Thursday 3 January 2019

How healthy is your driving school business?

An unfortunate, recondite human characteristic is that our weaknesses can be hidden and unknown.   Driving instructors are only human.  Do you know why you have collisions in your driving school car?  Have you considered what financial impact cancellations have on your business?

If a pupil cries through sheer frustration in a driving lesson, or they keep making similar mistakes on roundabouts or dual-carriageways, would you know what part you play in those situations?  How many times would you say that you make eye contact with your pupils while you smile in a typical day?

To have no interest in these symptoms of poor driving instruction you could be in danger of being a dilettante.  Your pupils are nothing more than a means by which the bills get paid, and you have some revenue for your pursuits.

An analogy that might help to maintain a pellucid message in this blog is looking at our everyday behaviours.  How often do you glance at your smartphone in a day, how many minutes of the day are you staring at its screen?  How much salt or sugar are you consuming in a typical day?  What impact does the weather or your spouse or the comfort of your bed have on your mood in the day?

I am not creating a polemic against driving instructors; this is a human characteristic which affects many of us.  We don't realise where our weaknesses lie.  In a conventional working environment, peers soon feedback if a behaviour is unacceptable.  Our 1:1 working environment makes this awareness a bit more tricky.

Book yourself up one of my "stay sharp" observation sessions.  These are non-threatening, without grades, just friendly, professional feedback of crucial elements of your driving instruction.  It gives you an instant snapshot of your pedagogy techniques, effectiveness at maintaining safety, interpersonal skills.  Look upon it as a general service of you and your business.  Not to be confused with a DVSA Standards Check where many start doing things they would not usually do; this is an opportunity for you and your business to get feedback of how the service you provide performs in 'customer service' terms.  Book your business health spot check.  For more details contact me on 0800 689 4174  

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