Thursday 6 September 2012

Part 2 v Learner Test Standards

Had an interesting mock test with a PDI today.  This is the ‘Part 2’ Test that Trainee Driving Instructors take.  ‘Part 1’ is based on the Theory Test, ‘Part 2’ is driving ability, and ‘Part 3’ is teaching ability.

I’m often asked, “What is the difference between the standard of the Learner Test compared to Part 2?”

Let me go over some of the stuff that came up today by way of explanation.

Seeing where progress can be made up ahead is a key skill.  Negotiating our way round roundabouts, and travelling along dual carriageways where we take the path of least resistance are good examples.  By that I mean, rather than taking a path that has lots of stop/starts, or getting yourself blocked in - instead you are able to identify these bottle necks and plan in a path of travel that means you make more progress.  This is not to be confused with speeding/racing, far from it – instead, it is not ‘boxing clever’ but ‘driving clever’.  It is shown in other ways too, how a driver negotiates a bus paused at a bus stop, and how a driver manages meeting situations (parked cars on one or both sides of the road), also how drivers emerge from junctions and deal with traffic lights can show if the brain is thinking about ‘making progress’. 

Showing consideration to other road users is another difference.  Some examples include, if you are travelling on a road with 2+ lanes in the same direction of travel and you can see drivers up ahead waiting to get on to your road; being willing/able to move over to let them on.  Identifying when a cyclist will need to swerve a pot-hole and giving them the opportunity to safely do that.  Realising when a motorcyclist wants to overtake behind you, and being willing to move slightly over to the left to assist that.  Providing the safe opportunity for a vehicle to turn across you so that the vehicles behind it can then move on.  Seeing a large puddle on the road and preventing splashing pedestrians on the footpath.  Safely accommodating a large HGV that is doing an exit from a r/b in clearly the wrong lane.   

Driving in such a way that is eco-driving is always good to see.  So seeing up ahead a long stretch of road in a 40 and driving in 5th gear, or in a 30 and driving in 4th gear.  Keeping gear changes to a minimum.    Avoiding heavy gas/braking shows that you are planning well ahead.  Keeping the wheels rolling so that moving off in 1st is reduced.

Performing manoeuvres effectively and efficiently, so as to reduce affecting other road users but still being safe.  (All the 5 manoeuvres will be in the Part 2 Test inc. right reverse).

The general standard is higher for the Part 2 as there are less ‘minor’ driving faults allowed.  But more than that, minor positional errors, or minor glitches in control of the car would be frowned upon.  So precise lane positioning, accurate assessment of gear for speed, complete control on a hill start and well timed signals are all examples of the higher standard.    

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