Thursday 28 February 2013

Breakdown affects position -

Driving Lessons in Peterborough.  Driving Lessons in Grantham.

I want to give a quick example of how an unexpected incident can really throw you while you are driving round.  The following link, will put you through to a very short video, and there you can watch how a breakdown of a car affects how my Pupil has to approach some traffic lights (as it happens, this is directly outside the Test Centre in Peterborough).

Now what I would ask you to consider, is how you would have dealt with this on your driving test if, on the approach to the lights the Examiner had said "And straight over the traffic lights please".  Imagine you had approached them to go straight over, but they went red.... THEN..... the left green filter arrow had come on, and you had traffic behind you wanting to turn left.... perhaps the driver behind was getting impatient that you were stopping them from turning left, and using the horn.

This kind of thing could happen, and does happen on test.  What would you do?

Take a look at the video here.  Put up your answer in the box below if you like, or just mention it to me next time we see eachother.

This blog highlights the need to always be prepared to think on your feet while driving, and aims to encourage you to be an independent driver.... as ever, please grade/comment below.

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