Tuesday 6 August 2013

People failing driving tests by Tom of Big Tom Driving School www.BigTom.org.uk/home/

The number 1 reason for driving tests fails is lack of observations, particularly at junctions.

I imagine it will be right up there for the cause of accidents too.  As you can see from this photo here, these side mirrors do offer us the opportunity to see what is around us, but remember three things about using side mirrors for observations:

  • The glass is convex (curved) so the apparent distance of objects seen in them is not a true indication of the actual distance.
  • There are ‘blind spots’ associated with side mirrors, make sure you ask your Driving Instructor for proof of this fact if you are in any doubt about what a ‘blind spot’ is.
  • The timing of when you look in your side mirrors is just as important as the information you gain by looking in them.

As you can see, taking effective observations is more than simply the occasional glance in a mirror; for observations to be effective, they have to be thorough, systematic and well timed.  Only then will you be giving yourself the opportunity to assess, and properly act on the information gained by the observation.

My last message for you.  Don’t be fooled though, in these side mirrors it is perfectly possible to NOT see something as small as a motorbike.  And that is precisely the reason why a good driver will reinforce side mirror checks with additional observations with a turn to of the head to the side.... always nice to see in my drivers.... as it increases peripheral vision.


If you would like to see some videos on reasons why people fail driving tests just click HERE now!


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