Tuesday 5 February 2019

When hesitation becomes stagnation

Most people recognise when it is time for a bit of change in their life.  A dear friend might give you a gentle nudge to push you along, and there is nothing unusual or wrong in that, sometimes it is only a close friend who has the permission.

Did you know you can go to Harrods to buy yourself a loaf - it will set you back a fiver?  Did you also know (for a few more pennies) you can order the dough to have your initials engraved in it?  Does that not make you wonder how some people live their lives?  I mention it because there is a whole world of opportunity out there for all of us. Apparently, for some, it is vital for them to see their initials in their baked loaf, but what is important to you?

What is important about how you live your life?

My wife and I were wanting to get our priorities right about a decade or so ago.  We had become used to a joint revenue of 90k +, but we had two little ones who were in need of care, comfort and parental attention.  The changes we made in my career enabled us to make sure Dad attended sports day, Christmas plays, parents evening, school assembly.  My career change enabled me to be more 'present' at home.

Becoming a driving instructor opened more doors to our family life and was a great example of recognising and being brave enough to act on change.

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