Monday 13 January 2020

The unspoken truth

Right, so my plan is the following:

I will completely under-estimate the task in hand of learning to drive.

It doesn't interest me at all, about what I need to cover.  I just want to do the absolute minimum that will get me passing the driving test.

I am going to assume that I am more than capable of passing the test, with no hiccups, no problems; in fact, I will sail through.

I don't intend to follow your advice about preparing for the lesson.  In fact, I don't even intend to listen to your feedback in the car, because, as I say, this is going to be easy.  Anything you say, will be just being picky and I won't hear it.

My Dad says that he passed his test after 6 lessons.  I'm not thinking I will need any more than that myself.

It is a forgone conclusion that after the number of hours that I, not you, but I specify, I will be ready to take a driving test.

If I fail the test, do you guarantee to me that I will pass? 

There is no connection in my mind at all about my driving ability and going to take the driving test.  The two are not linked, at all.

I'm a bit of a nervous driver, I get anxious, but I can drive.  I can drive.  I can drive.  It's just that I get a bit nervous sometimes, and it affects my driving.  So if anything does go wrong, I have warned you.  Don't blame me.

I do not intend to pay any attention at all about how I like to learn.  It is a waste of time.  No matter what happens, I'm going to do just fine, so I don't need to even think about how I learn things.

I'm not really confident at manoeuvres.  I can drive.  I can drive.  It's just that I get mixed up with the steering sometimes, and I don't know where the car is.  But I can drive.

When we are in the car, don't waste my time with any long talks.  I find talking really boring on driving lessons.  I just want to drive, that's all.

I don't like big roundabouts, they just scare me.  No big roundabouts, all those lorries and the speed, no.  I can't do that.

If I make any mistakes, don't blame me, you're the instructor. It's your job to teach me.

Don't ask me difficult questions, I just won't answer them. 

I do expect to pass the test the first time because I can drive even now. In fact, can you tell me now, when my driving test is.  I need to have that booked in now, because it will mean that I'm going to do the test no matter how my manoeuvres  or roundabouts or anxieties go.  It's kind of like guaranteed no matter how well I can drive that I go to test.  

I do get to use your car on the test, don't I?  That is important to me, because I don't want to wreck my car.

You do book my test up for me don't you?  I need to know that, because that way, I'm not in any way responsible for anything on the driving test.

The sooner I can have my test, the better, because I really need my licence.

If I keep making mistakes, like kerbing your wheels when we pull over, I will not be happy if that keeps going on and on.  I will very quickly go and find a better driving instructor if that happens.

I warn you now, I get bored really easy.  Don't bore me by doing really easy stuff again and again.  I don't care how well I do it, once I've done it, I expect you to move me on.  I get bored, really easy, and I will yawn if you are boring me.

I do expect to cancel lessons when something more important crops up like I'm playing xbox, or something like that.  I won't give you any notice.  If you don't like that, I'll just go to a different driving instructor.

I get my lefts and rights mixed up.  It's perfectly alright.  All my friends do it as well.  It won't make any difference at all.

Don't ever cancel a lesson of mine.  I want to get my licence really quickly, if you cancel, I will go elsewhere.

Please don't ask me any questions in the car.  I find questions really boring, all I want to do is drive.

When I'm driving, don't talk to me about the Highway Code or any of that rubbish, I've done the theory - it's finished.

By the way, don't waste my time with this setting the car up stuff, it's a waste of time because it will only be me driving my car.  I'm not bothered if everything is not set up properly, it will be in my car.

What is your pass rate?  Do you guarantee a pass?

When we have done a lesson, don't bore me with a re-cap, I'm not bothered about that.  I would prefer to use that time driving, rather than talking at the end.

Don't bother teaching me anything that is not in the test.  It's just wasting my time and you are thieving me out of money.

I probably will do just over the speed limit when I drive.  It's not illegal, because the car speedo is slightly out.

Don't brake for me and definitely don't touch the steering wheel - I hate that. 

I won't be able to pay for every lesson on the day, but will pay you when I can.

I warn you now, I get really, really annoyed if other drivers don't signal.

I'm in a race to pass with my mates.  I do expect to win that race. the way, I do not intend to tell you ANY of the above.

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