Tuesday 13 November 2012

Why do I have to do these driving actions?

Many Learners on driving lessons wont be prepared to ask this question.  The temptation is to just do what the Driving Instructor says; once the driving test is passed, then you can decide for yourself what driving actions you do and don't want to bother with.

In other words, this becomes an issue of compliance for a limited period of time.  In my opinion this is a really dangerous situation to develop.  Taken to an extreme, all that is churned out after a course of driving lessons is a person that is conditioned to do certain driving actions in order to satisfy the examiner in the test.  It can breed resentment, distrust and poor communication in the relationship between driving instructor and pupil.  It is in effect a 'LOSE-LOSE' for all concerned.  

Here is a short presentation on this theme, just intended to provide a sample of reasons for driving actions, not intended to be a comprehensive list.

I ask any Learners monitoring to take a look, and give an honest assessment whether you 'buy' into the reasons given.  If it doesn't do it for you, let me know by adding a comment here on this blog or on the presentation comment section.    Thanks in advance.

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