Wednesday 5 December 2012

Booking Your Driving Test

There's loads of ways to book your Practical Driving Test, click here for a very useful starting point.

If you do book online, make sure you are using the above link, because if you were to Google 'Booking Driving Test', you could end up going through to a link that is not an official site, and you end up paying more than you need to do for the test (this applies to the Theory Test as well).  So be warned!

In order to book the Practical Driving Test, you will need to provide your Theory Test Pass reference number, so you MUST have passed your Theory Test before you can book up the Practical Test.

Some organisations would have you believe there is some kind of Driving Standards Agency (DSA) waiting list and they have a 'special arrangement' to shortcut this waiting list.  Do remember that the DSA are providing a public service in the booking and undertaking of driving tests, they would not be allowed to associate themselves in some prejudicial way with any organisation.  So if an organisation is making claims such as that they can provide you with a test date 75% quicker than the normal DSA waiting list - ignore it.

What you and absolutely everyone is able to do is enquire either online or via the phone number the DSA provide, to see if there are any cancellations currently available.  These cancellation slots crop up frequently in any working day, and can be providing you with a test slot literally in a few days time.

In summary, there is no need to feel pressured in any way at all about the booking of the driving test.  Many of my Learners have said they prefer to ring through to enquire, as you end up speaking to a human voice, but you can also pick up cancellations online too.

Hope this has helped.  Feel free to grade or comment below.

Thank you.

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