Tuesday 16 April 2019

Lou Lou, G and the custard creams

"Yea but mine gets angry," Lucy interjected on her best friend Georgia, "She just gets really angry with me if I don't instantly get it?"


"Totally G, she has made me cry on a couple of occasions."

"But why though Lou Lou?  Christ that really makes me angry."

The two friends were at Lucy's Mum's house, relaxing after some revision they had done for the mocks coming up.  Lucy was making cups of tea for them.  She had to take care with Georgia's, not too strong or she couldn't drink it.

Georgia was a bit further ahead with her driving lessons because she turned 17 before Lucy.  There was a bit of a competition going on in their form about who could pass their driving test first.  Lucy knew that she didn't stand much chance, she has only just started looking at parking up and reversing where as Georgia and a few friends have been talking about them for a while now.

"I wish I knew G, it's like she has got a grudge against me.  I think she thinks I'm thick."

"No way Lou Lou - I can't believe that."

Lucy really loves her friend Georgia.  They have been best friends since they met up in primary school.  Lucy often thinks that the day when Georgia came into her class for the first time and needed a friend to help settle her into the school, was the best day of her life.

She passed Georgia her cup of tea, always leaving the teaspoon in, Georgia liked that; she smiled at her friend, "Thanks G, I don't think I'm stupid, but my instructor sometimes makes me feel it."

"Thanks Lou Lou, a nice cup of tea for the girlies!  You got any biccies?"

"Mum got some custard creams I think."

"Custardo creamy weamys!  Yes please."

Georgia loves her biscuits with a cup of tea; Lucy knew her friend well.  It always makes Lucy happy to see that her friend could happily eat 3 or 4 biscuits but remain wafer thin.

"Maybe she's stupid Lou Lou - have you ever thought of that?"

"How do you mean?"

"Well if she's making you feel inadequate, perhaps it's because she isn't very good at her job.  It happens.  Brain surgeons have to start somewhere you know?  They have to kill a few patients first before they get any good."

"That's a really nice thing to say; I'd not thought of it like that.  No, I think it is just me and doing those parallel parks.  God, I have nightmares about them.  I hate them," she passes her friend the pack of custard creams, "I don't even really know why we do the stupid thing."

"Thanks my little thin friend, " Georgia often referred to Lucy like that, it made Lucy feel good, "'Cos it's in the test."

"Well it needs to be taken out the test then 'cos it makes no sense to me.  Why do we reverse behind a car like that, when we could just pull up forwards directly behind it?"

"Well my instructor said something about when you do it for real between two cars, it's hard to squeeze the car in going forwards.  He let me have a go once, and it is hard Lou Lou.  The back bit sticks out."

"Ok, but when I'm practising, I do it with one car, and I don't know why we don't just drive forwards, kind of behind the car.... you know?"

"Oh right.  Yea, I think they start off doing that just to get you used to it.  But eventually, you will do it between cars.  Blimey, did she not tell you that?"

"She just tells me what to do in a firm voice.  'YOU ME ME YOU,' then sometimes she says 'LEFT RIGHT RIGHT LEFT', 'one turn Lucy, just one turn, no more - no less'..... God, I can see her face now."  The girls look at each other and laugh when Lucy puts on this fake stern face like she is about to pass wind.

"Mine just leaves me to it."

"I wish mine would.  How much is yours?"

"He's £35."

"Yea well mine is only £27."

"But if you're not happy with her Lou Lou?"

They settled down to watch some trashy tele before Lucy's Mum was due to get home in 35 minutes. 

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