Friday 12 April 2019

The dreaded B word

You may have noticed that I've managed to not refer in this blog, thus far, about Brexit.  Readers of this blog might be here for many reasons, but Brexit is not one of them.  But, if you dare, read on.

I've come to realise having invested many hours observing the behaviours of the UK media and MP's how fragile is the entire structure of 'order'.  At times, it leaves you utterly dumbfounded that such incompetence is not only seemingly tolerated but permitted to continue.

Of course, things could change, how things could change in these moments of fragility.  But if there is one thing to be very proud of by being British, it is our individuality.  And good for us!  Many countries across the globe will know of our weaknesses in the times of our Empire, but history also shows us what potential can convert into power with some British spirit.

I think there is probably a good reason why 3 MP's I instantly recall having got into a spot of 'legal' bother about formally disclosing driver details when their vehicle was speeding.  They do not like their shortcomings to be exposed in a manner that loses face.  And I believe it is this precise institutional problem that is causing "Parliament" to act in the way it is.  In short, they are, quite literally, untouchable.  They will not be held to account, and their personal views, in their minds can be entirely justified - no matter of the circumstances.  It permeates through the House from top to bottom - they are so wrapped up in their feelings of self-righteousness that they are unable to perceive how the public is observing their incompetence. 

In any other walk of ordinary life, this is intolerable behaviour but the "Westminster bubble" appears impenetrable; "Westminster fortress" might be more apt.

While they are all busily comforting their inner consciences, they have little regard for the impact on UK business, economy, dignity or preservation.  Their repeated inability to effectively act does little for the country they serve.

And bear that word "serve" in mind when you consider the duty they have that provides them with the near on £80,000 salary they draw from public taxpayers.

I resist the temptation to start forecasting how events will unfold.  What a sorry mess we find ourselves in, and I rather suspect there will be a consequence to this debacle.   What troubles me is that while these people in privilege drawing their 80k salaries continue to obstruct Brexit, there are thousands of UK citizens (possibly hundreds of thousands)  desperately suffering for a variety of reasons - and that, I find, intolerable. 

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