Wednesday 4 March 2020

The tale of the dozy driving instructors

Joining the BIG TOM Driving School Franchise has a variety of benefits - hopefully, you've already made yourself aware of them, which is why you are reading this blog.  But is there a catch?  How can you be paid £700 3 weeks in advance for working 4 hours per day, Monday to Friday?  How is it that you could do that twice in the same week and get paid £1400 3 weeks in advance?  

If you are new to the industry, then you may well be scratching your head at this point.  

In your local area, how many driving schools are specialising in intensive driving courses?  They do nothing else but intensive driving courses?  It won't be many.  

The fact is that it suits the majority of driving instructors very well to plod along with weekly driving lessons for their pupils.  It happens when it happens, no stress, cancellations galore by both parties, and everyone sleepwalk into driving tests as and when.  And then you get your customers who aren't happy with the prospect of taking, on average, 7 months to learn to drive.  These people are determined, have strict timescales to work to and frankly, are not sodding about.  They will pay good money to bypass the dozy driving instructors.  I cannot tell you how often I hear from customers who come to my intensive driving courses that they can't believe how much quicker the learning pace is with me.  They absolutely love the steeper learning curve.  Now that suits them, but what you have to remember is that it may not suit all driving instructors.  In fact, it probably doesn't suit the majority of driving instructors.  

When you offer the opportunity for a pupil to turn things around quickly without cutting corners on standards, you better make sure you can deliver.  Because if you can't provide "an accelerated learning programme" you're soon going to be exposed as a fake.  This is why the majority of driving instructors prefer to plod along.  To accelerate a learning process safely, without compromising on safety, customer experience or driving standards, it takes a combination of robust systems (the BIG TOM Driving Success Programme ©), and quality of the instructor.  No, I'm not referring to grades.  I'm talking about a whole raft of skills that are required to deliver quality instruction, within timescales, that gets results.  Your average, plod along driving instructor would not stand a chance of delivering this level of customer service. 
So next time, when you see/hear driving instructors discrediting 'intensive driving courses' just remember, the message they are projecting is an indication of their weaknesses.  There's an excellent reason why customers will pay you £700, 3 weeks in advance; it's because you belong to a business that has proven its worth for several years.

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