Tuesday 29 December 2020

Running an efficient driving school


A common cause of stress for driving instructors centres around efficiency.  Most of us by nature like to be smart about the way we organise our lives.  Unfortunately, it is far too often the case that instructors find their plans being ruined simply due to circumstances beyond their control.  Late cancellations, long gaps between lessons, a lesson tagged on the end of a long day; all of these unwelcome aspects of daily work cause stress, fatigue and anxiety - hardly the ingredients that make for a pleasant work environment.

The BIG TOM Franchise is centred around making work more manageable and enjoyable.  It means that franchisees have the power to organise their schedule to be more efficient.  Why work with four pupils for an hour a time, with thirty minutes between each pupil, when it is far better to work with one pupil for four hours?  Less travel time, less possibility of cancellations, less exposure to Covid.

A BIG TOM Franchisee can book up twenty hours of driving training for just one pupil in a week.  That's just the one pupil to concentrate on and really get to know how they tick so that the training can be adapted to their needs.  The great thing is that there is no compromise on earning potential - none whatsoever.  The business support that a BIG TOM Franchisee receives means that there is no need for desperately long days working for £25/hour.  Our experience and knowledge enable you to build your business setting the terms on pricing, working hours and coverage to suit your circumstances.  We can plug any gaps in knowledge or business know-how to help you establish a driving school to be proud of, that pays bills and keeps you satisfied.

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